Datasets for research

All your datasets
on one platform
We bring the data
to where it is needed

Power your models, applications
and data-driven websites
Have questions?
What datasets can Earthmetry provide?
Earthmetry brings datasets for India from areas like electricity, oil & gas, air quality monitoring, climate reanalysis, climate models into one platform.
What kind of datasets are available on the electricity sector?
The datasets are at National, Regional, State and Power Plant-level covering measures such as generation, energy source-mix, consumption, scheduling and purchase.
Datasets are at various temporal levels starting from 15-minute time blocks to hourly, daily, monthly and annual levels.
They are sourced from various publications by regulatory bodies, load dispatch centres, power markets etc.
What kind of datasets are available on air quality?
We cover data from CPCB pollution monitors in India. We prepare hourly and daily summaries and calculate AQI as per the Indian definitions.
We also collect Active Fires data from NASA VIIRS and MODIS satellite instruments.
We can process, host and help analyze data from Chemical Transport Models through a partnership with Urban Emissions.
We can also help collect, process and host data from low cost pollution monitors that you want to deploy.
What kind of datasets are available on climate?
We cover data from climate reanalysis products such as ERA5 and IMDAA. We also can support your use of climate model data such as CMIP6 and regional simulations such as CORDEX. We can process it to city/district/state levels based on your requirements
Does Earthmetry provide weather data?
No, we don’t provide weather data. If you already source such data from other sources, we can help you integrate and manage the data.
Can you collect and process any data I select?
If you already subscribe to any of the datasets that we already provide, we can integrate other datasets for you in the same sectors.
There may be extra costs based on the type of data (public vs private) and its relevance to the overall user community.
Will you keep my datasets private?
Earthmetry will keep private datasets collected specifically for you, accesible only by you or to those explicitly authorized by you.
Do you collect and process data covering countries other than India?
We currently do not have dataset coverage outside of India. However, talk to us and we can figure out if we can help you.
How can I work with the datasets?
Our Signals platform hosts the datasets in our data warehouses and provide access using Apache Superset, an open source visualization platform that supports OAuth. This allows us to support more users at a reasonable cost.
Apache Superset allows you to explore data, create charts and tables and publish dashboards.
What if I want to access datasets through code?
On our Notebooks product, you can access datasets using ipython Notebooks.
What are some other ways to work with the datasets?
We can deliver datasets through files or simple APIs to power your websites. We are also open to connecting the datasets to your internal BI tools such as Tableau or PowerBI.
Can I share the datasets and dashboards in public?
Our normal licensing allows you to share your analysis, model results, summary visualizations or a collection of such visuals in dashboards with 3rd parties or for public consumption.
However, it does not allow for sharing the datasets in raw or near raw form to any 3rd parties. If you require this, we can licence such usage at additional cost.
How much do your services cost?
Our pricing depends on the datasets and sectors you want to use, whether it is one-time or a continuous subscription, the modes of access and data delivery you want to use.
We usually provide access to all your employees. If you are a very small organization, we can provide discounts to account for a smaller number of users.
Please have a brief call with us so that we can understand your needs and provide you a quote.